Wednesday, May 19, 2010


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Pengalaman peribadi sebagai seorang pengedar produk kecantikan dan kesihatan.. terlalu banyak produk pelansingan yang berada di pasaran.. dan bukan sesuatu yg pelik bila melihat produk pelansingan terkemuka tiba-tiba ditarik balik atau diharamkan dipasarkan kerana mengandungi `sibutramine', sejenis bahan kimia yang hanya boleh diambil dibawah pengawasan doktor. Kebanyakan Pengasas produk tidak pernah muncul di media untuk memberikan
penjelasan bila produk mereka diharamkan, malahan alasan yang sering digunakan adalah - mereka di aniaya atau di sabotaj.

Apabila Pengasas lepas tangan, yang teruk dihentam adalah Pengedar-Pengedar yang hanya mendapat keuntungan 30%.. dan bila produk diharamkan di pasaran, kami sebagai peniaga, kehilangan sumber pendapatan..

Dengan munculnya RxLite di pasaran, formulasi Dato' Dr. Noordin Darus doktor perubatan & 'Cancer Survivor' yang tersohor di Malaysia, kita boleh meletakkan harapan tinggi untuk menguruskan badan dengan cara sihat dan selamat. Dato' Dr Nordin Darus bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya ke atas produk yang dikeluarkan dan sekiranya anda berminat dengan perniagaan ini, anda boleh menghadiri Seminar Produk yang dikendalikan oleh pihak Syarikat untuk melengkapkan lagi diri anda dengan ilmu perniagaan.

RxLite mengandungi bahan-bahan utama iaitu Carcinoga Gambogia, L-Carnitine - dua bahan yang telah terbukti secara saintifik membantu membakar lemak. Bahan Carcina Gambodia ini sebenarnya lebih dikenali oleh rakyat Malaysia sebagai Asam Keping yang digunakan sebagai perisa masakan.

Bahan utama lain pula ialah L-Carnitine yang merupakan sejenis zat yang membantu menukarkan lemak kepada tenaga. Carnitine sebenarnya dihasilkan oleh tubuh kita di Hati & Ginjal dan disimpan di otot tulang, jantung, otak & sperma. Sesetengah orang boleh kekurangan Carnitine kerana tubuh mereka tidak menghasilkan cukup Carnitine atau pemindahan ke tisu-tisu supaya boleh digunakan. Sesetengah penyakit atau medikasi juga boleh menyebabkan kita kekurangan Carnitine ini. Carnitine juga bertindak sebagai anti-Oksidan. Secara semulajadinya, ia terdapat di dalam buah Avocado, susu ibu, produk-produk tenusu, daging Merah (terutama Kambing & Lembu) serta Tempe (kacang Soya yang diperap). Kekurangan L-Carnitine boleh menyebabkan Keletihan, Kekejangan Otot atau Penurunan kadar Gula dalam darah. Selalunya para atlit yang pergi bercuti ke luar negara 'makan angin' untuk beberapa hari atau minggu setelah menang perlawanan, badan mereka akan mudah 'naik' jika mereka tidak ikut rutin rejim senaman dan latihan seperti biasa. Apa yang akan Dr. Sukan seperti Dr. Noordin Darus 'prescribe' untuk mereka ialah L-Carnitine. Ia membolehkan mereka mengurangkan kandungan lemak dalam tubuh mereka dengan kadar cepat sebelum bersedia untuk acara sukan atau perlawanan yang akan datang. Inilah uniknya Rx-Lite. Ia dihasilkan oleh profesional yang menjaga orang-orang profesional (atlit-atlit kebangsaan)

Selain itu, Rx-Lite diproses dengan medium Rx-Water yang menjadikannya berAura.

Ia diadun dengan Koko asli (Flavoids) yang bersifat anti kanser melebihi teh. Dengan mengambilRx-Lite sebelum sarapan & makan tengah hari, ia akan memberikan anda tenaga extra serta rasa kenyang yang asli. 2 bahan utama tadi akan mula bertindak membakar lemak berlebihan dari badan anda dan anda akan rasa badan lebih ringan tanpa ada kesan sampingan yang merbahaya. Sebaliknya anda rasa bertenaga dan sihat. Namun pun begitu, Dr. Noordin menyarankan agar kita mengurangkan 'portion' pengambilan karbohidrat seperti nasi semasa mengamalkan Rx-Lite. Sebaliknya, menambahkan 'portion' lauk-pauk kita termasuk sayur & buah-buahan. Anda akan dapat rasakan perbezaannya serta berpeluang mendapat berat badan yang ideal.

4. Berapakah sukatan yang diperlukan?
Bagi mereka yang ingin mengurangkan berat badan, adalah dinasihatkan anda mengambil minima 2x sehari dan maksima 3x sehari. Gantikan sarapan, makan tengah hari dan minum petang anda dengan RxLite. Jika tidak tahan lapar, minum sebotol air bersih dan menyihatkan seperti RxWater atau ambil buah-buahan.

5. Siapa yang tidak boleh mengambil RxLite?

RxLite tidak sesuai bagi:
  1. kanak-kanak di bawah 12 tahun,
  2. ibu mengandung,
  3. mereka yang mempunyai sejarah sawan
  4. mereka yang mempunyai masalah jantung yang kronik
  5. Ibu yang menyusu tidak digalakkan mengambil RxLite walaupun kandungan L-Carnitine tidak banyak sehingga memudaratkan. Ini kerana setiap individu mempunyai tahap penapisan yang berbeza-beza. Bagi kebanyakan ibu menyusu, kandungan kimia tidak akan sampai ke susunya, tetapi terdapat kes-kes di mana badan ibu gagal menapis dan mudah menyerap ke dalam susu.
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Friday, February 12, 2010


What is an aura?
Auras and Color
by Donna Reis

By definition, the aura is the energy field or "life force" that surrounds, encompasses and permeates all living things. The human aura is similar to a force field protecting and vitalizing every cell and organ of the body. This glowing energy has been called an electric blueprint. The aura's spiraling vibration field can be seen, felt and interpreted. Though very few are able to see the aura in all its glorious detail and vibrant colors, anyone can see or sense the area of the aura lying closest to the physical body.

Is there proof of the aura's existence?
Systematic scientific investigation has verified the existence of the aura around plants, animals and humans. The first camera to capture its motion was the Kirlian camera, developed in the Soviet Union by Valentina and Semyon Kirlian in the 1930s. Study of the aura via Kirlian photography became popular in the United States in the 1970s through work done by Kendal Johnson and Thelma Moss at UCLA. Yale research has built upon Johnson and Moss' work in determining that disease can be detected before it manifests in the physical body through the study of the aura's mysterious luminescence.

Are there types of photography that can image the full aura?
Whereas Kirlian photography is high-voltage process using emulsion plates to photograph the energy field, ColorVision Aura Imaging photography is a double- exposure process that allows you to see the aura in all its vibrant living colors as itsurrounds and encompasses you. Scientists say we can influence the "life field" with our minds and wills. If we can positively impress the aura, can we improve the circumstance of our lives? If so, how? Through the vibrations of color!

What is the benefit of aura photography?
Aura photography provides a visual image of how you are functioning mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Understanding the meanings and variations in your aura (size, shape, color vibrations, etc.) may give a deeper insight into one's self. Everything from physical health to emotional, mental and spiritual circumstances show throughout the colors of our aura.

What exactly is color?
Color is light split into different wavelengths, vibrating at different speeds and frequencies. Each color has its own vibration, with red being the slowest or longest wave and violet the fastest or shortest wave. Between black (which absorbs all wavelengths and does not reflect any color) and white (which reflects all color), we find the wonderful world of colors. This essence of the life force is all about us. Color can make chills run up and down the spine or quicken the soul. As psychologists are finding, these color vibrations have a tremendous influence upon our health, thoughts, feelings and actions.

What are chakras?
The Sanskrit word "chakra" literally means "wheel" or "circle." Within the human body is a huge column of moving energy made up of three main channels, whirling like brightly colored flowers from the top of the head to the base of the spine. Where the channels intersect, energy wheels or centers are formed; these are referred to as the chakras. Chakra is the most frequently used and descriptive word for the energy points or whirls of energy that exists within in the human body. We have seven vital chakras (as well as secondary or lesser chakras) located just to the front of the spinal column. The chakras are part of the body's auric energy, and control the inflow and outflow of the life force, also known as Chi.

What is color therapy and what are its benefits?
Our bodies have been designed to be self-renewing and self-healing. However, the body has to be maintained. If any one organ is overtaxed, our bodies run out of replenishing material and cannot cope with the overload. Even though what we see as a final product is the physical, we must remember that what happens to us on the spiritual, mental, and emotional planes have a strong and often very direct impact on the physical. When dealing with the body's mental, emotional and spiritual aspects, it is important to remember that we are dealing with living energies. When we are at the point where imbalance has occurred, it is then that we may use color therapy as a tool to help rebalance and restore ourselves.
Color therapy is very simple. It works on the same principle as tuning in a television frequency. Each chakra has a specific wavelength and governs a specific area of the body. By working with the appropriate color whose wavelength corresponds to the chakra needing help, the weakened wavelength is reinforced. This will help set in motion the regenerative and healing process of that chakra or related body cell. This brings us into balance. The vibrations of color work in both a positive and challenging way. By knowing ourselves, our positive and challenging sides, we may achieve balance by adding a vibration of the same color or by adding another color vibration. This would be determined by your Chromatologist. Chromatology is the science and study of color. If we are aware of which colors produce what vibration, then we can enhance our lives.

Here are some universal associations with basic colors:

Blue ~ Because peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, it is often used in bedrooms. It is believed that blue slows metabolic activity. Blue can also be cold and depressing or pain relieving. People are more productive in blue rooms. Blue enhances clear thinking, diligence and organization.

Green ~ Currently a popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature and is the universal healing color. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, nourishing, refreshing color. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients. Clear perception, self- recognition, and compassion are associated with green.
Red ~ The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates the heart to beat faster and breathing to increase. Red also increases metabolic activity. As red is the color of love, it is often used as an accent color in decorating. Decorators say that red will attract attention. Self-motivation, leadership and generosity are some qualities of the color red
Yellow ~ Cheerful, sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, most people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. Why? Yellow is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration and speeds metabolism. Communication, observation and analysis are some attributes of yellow.

Black ~ Black is the color of authority and power. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. The qualities of black include self-sufficiency, individualism and protection.

White ~ White is associated with light. As such, it is often linked to goodness, innocence, purity and virginity. It is also considered to be the color of perfection. When used with intention, white can represent a successful beginning.

Purple ~ Purple has long been associated with royalty. It strongly symbolizes power, nobility, luxury and ambition. It conveys wealth and sometimes hints at extravagance. Purple is also associated with wisdom, dignity and independence. It is a powerful color in enhancing creativity, mystery and magic.
So, as you can see, color isn’t just something we use to brighten a room. More than simply decoration, it alters mood and in some cases actually improves health. Before you paint, take some time to think about the colors you are using. Remember, color can change how you feel!

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Dear Ladies for appointment please do not hesitate

to contact 82826142
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enquiry please send to

Dear Ladies, Istana Tradition is providing HOME SPA services at your convenient. A Blissful Touch of Traditional Head to Toe Massage has been part of the culture for many centuries. A modified technique has been developed over the years that still provides a deep penetrating massage but is done using the heel of the hands, combined with fingers and elbow. Our objectives is to make every women feel proud of themselves and have self confidence!

Our full body massage specifically designed to relax muscles. With ginger/lime lotion (oil free) to increase circulation, eliminate toxins, reduces cellulite, rheumatism, constipation and smoothens the skin. This traditional massage uses a combination of touching, kneading, rubbing and tapping techniques. Minimum 1hour to a maximum of 1 hour 15 mins. After each session, we will do a tummy wrap with our slimming lotions, some individual will be able to see difference with only one wrapping..........

Traditional Massage with hot stones treatment

A Healing Hot Stone Massage is not only wonderfully relaxing but also very therapeutic. Rolling round stones over the soles of your feet, inside the hands and along the spine feels marvelous. For lower-back pain, a large warm stone may be placed on the sacrum to assist the spine in relaxing.

Warm stones rolled under the arm effectively releases lymph congestion. Warm stones placed under your neck while you are lying on your back, will ease your neck and upper back. Deep penetrating heat just melts away tight muscles and any kind of stress, even pain. Heat allows trigger points to dissolve and fade way with minimal resistance.

The Basalt stones are from Mexico, and are handpicked from the rivers at the base of the volcanoes, which gives it a smooth polished feel.The 14 pc and 21 pc are unpolished stones, and the 8 pc and 55 pc are polished stones.The 55 pc set comes with a wide range of stones, including Cold Marble stones for cold treatment, this is great for facial use, where it helps tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. And it also comes with colored Chakra stones for energy treatments.

What is the difference between a Massage oil and an Essential oil?

Unscented Massage Oils - This is a pure oil, extracted from nuts and seeds, that you can use directly on the skin for a massage. It has almost no scent. Unscented massage oils are also known as 'Carrier oils' or 'Base oils'.
Essential Oils - Essential oils are pure extracts of fruits and flowers, and cannot be used directly on the skin. Essential oils have a lovely scent, and can be mixed with an unscented massage oil ('Base oil') for massage, or used with a burner to diffuse the oil into the air.

Blended Massage Oils - For example, if you mix Lavender Essential oil with an unscented Base oil (e.g. Sweet Almond), you will get a Blended Lavender Massage Oil. This blended oil can be used directly for massage, and will have the lovely Lavender smell.


Our Pure Massage Cream is a gentle moisturising cream suitable for dry skin conditions, anywhere on the body. The cream is non-medicated, non-greasy and safe for use by people of all ages. It doesn't contain any perfumes or colouring agents.

Pure Massage Cream can be used by people who are sensitive to regular massage oils.

Delivers a very good deep tissue "feel" with no sticky or oily mess.

After birth massage with and without products , we provide 3, 5, 7 and 14 days massage for mommies. You can also opt for TRADITIONAL HOT STONE PACKAGE. This will take about 2 hours per session. We cater to your needs, just tell us your requirement, it is our pleasure to serve you better


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Monday, February 8, 2010


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Sexual health and aging: Keep the passion alive

Sexual health is important — at any age. Find out how aging can affect sexuality and what you can do to maintain a fulfilling sex life after 50.

By Mayo Clinic staff

Dr. Janice Swanson
Dr. Janice Swanson

Though movies and television might tell you that sex is only for the young and beautiful, don't believe it. The need for intimacy is ageless. Sex may not be the same as it was in your 20s, but it can still be as fulfilling as ever.
What aspects of sexual health are likely to change as you and your partner get older? How can you both adapt? Janice Swanson, doctor of psychology, licensed psychologist and sex therapist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., has some answers.

How can you maintain a satisfying sex life as you age?

When confronted with the physical and emotional changes of aging, you may feel as ill-prepared and awkward about sex as you did during your first sexual experiences. To maintain a satisfying sex life, talk with your partner. Set aside time to be sensual and sexual together. When you're spending intimate time with your partner, share your thoughts about lovemaking. Tell your partner what you want from him or her. Be honest about what you're experiencing physically and emotionally.
Many couples want to know how to get back to the sexual arousal and activity levels they experienced in their 20s, 30s and early 40s. Instead, find ways to optimize your body's response for sexual experiences now. Ask yourselves what's satisfying and mutually acceptable.

How does aging affect men's sexual health?

Testosterone plays a critical role in a man's sexual experience. Testosterone levels peak in the late teens and then gradually decline. Most men notice a difference in their sexual response by age 60 to 65. The penis may take longer to become erect, and erections may not be as firm. It may take longer to achieve full arousal and to have orgasmic and ejaculatory experiences. Erectile dysfunction also becomes more common. Drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) can help men achieve or sustain an adequate erection for sexual activity.

How does aging impact women's sexual health?

As a woman approaches menopause, estrogen production decreases. As a result, most women have less natural vaginal lubrication, which can affect sexual pleasure. Women may experience emotional changes as well. While some women may enjoy sex more without worrying about pregnancy, naturally occurring changes in body shape and size may cause others to feel less sexually desirable.

What medical conditions can cause sexual health concerns?

Any condition that affects general health and well-being also affects sexual function. Illnesses that involve the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal problems, depression or anxiety — and the medications used to treat these conditions — can pose potential sexual health concerns.
High blood pressure, for instance, can affect your ability to become aroused, as can certain medications used to treat high blood pressure.

What can you do if medications negatively affect your sexual health?

Certain medications can inhibit your sexual response, including your desire for sex, your ability to become aroused and your orgasmic function. If you're experiencing sexual side effects from a medication, consult your doctor. It may be possible to switch to a different medication with fewer sexual side effects.
Don't let embarrassment keep you from asking your doctor for help — and don't stop taking prescribed medication before discussing it with your doctor. If you take several medications, each of which can have a different effect on your sexual function, try varying the type of sexual activity you engage in and how you approach it.

Sexual health and aging: Keep the passion alive

How can surgical procedures affect your sexual health?

Any surgical procedure that affects your pelvis and your central nervous system will have a temporary — but often significant — impact on your sexual response. The body, however, is resilient. Given time to heal and some loving attention, you can become sexually responsive again.

What do I need to know about aging and safe sex?

People of all ages must be vigilant about practicing safe sex. If you're having sex with a new or different partner, always use a condom. Also talk with your doctor about other ways to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.
If you're in a long-term monogamous relationship and you've both tested negative for sexually transmitted diseases, you probably don't need to worry about protection. Until you know for sure, however, use a condom when you have sex.

What advice do you have for partners who have different libidos?

Differences in libidos are a major concern for many couples. Couples can become polarized — one person initiates contact while the other avoids it. If you mainly avoid sex, take charge of some engagement. If you usually initiate sex, tell your partner what you need. If you're worried about hurting your partner's feelings, speak about your own experience. Use "I" statements — such as "I think my body responds better when ... " — to open up to your partner.
If you're in a heterosexual relationship, try to understand how your partner's body works so that you can appreciate his or her desires. Seek ways to accommodate both your needs.

How can a couple adjust sexually when one partner becomes a caregiver to the other because of illness?

If you're ill, your sexuality may take a backseat to treating your illness. Pain, discomfort, medications or worry can overshadow your sexual desire. If you're the caregiver, your sexual desire might be compromised by the stress of dealing with the demands of caring for your partner.
As a caregiver, be aware of your changing role. Find a way to set aside the caregiver role from time to time, and be a partner instead — so that you can relax and feel nurtured by your partner. That way, you can enjoy a mutually satisfying sexual encounter.

Where can a couple find helpful resources about sexual health?

Look for books about sexuality during the second half of life. If you and your partner can't resolve a concern, consult a doctor. Your doctor may be able to provide useful suggestions or refer you to a specialist. - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes

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Saturday, February 6, 2010



The Benefits Of Massage
What exactly are the benefits of receiving massage or bodywork treatments? Useful for all of the conditions listed below and more, massage can:
  • Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
  • Ease medication dependence.
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body’s natural defense system.
  • Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
  • Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.
  • Improve the condition of the body’s largest organ—the skin.
  • Increase joint flexibility.
  • Lessen depression and anxiety.
  • Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
  • Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improvingcirculation.
  • Reduce postsurgery adhesions and swelling.
  • Reduce spasms and cramping.
  • Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
  • Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body’s natural painkiller.
  • Relieve migraine pain.
A Powerful Ally
There’s no denying the power of bodywork. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it (pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic) or the reasons we seek it out (a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management), massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be idealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. This translates into:
  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.
Furthermore, clients often report a sense of perspective and clarity after receiving a massage. The emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits.

Profound Effects
In response to massage, specific physiological and chemical changes cascade throughout the body, with profound effects. Research shows that with massage:
  • Arthritis sufferers note fewer aches and less stiffness and pain.
  • Asthmatic children show better pulmonary function and increased peak air flow.
  • Burn injury patients report reduced pain, itching, and anxiety.
  • High blood pressure patients demonstrate lower diastolic blood pressure, anxiety, and stress hormones.
  • Premenstrual syndrome sufferers have decreased water retention and cramping.
  • Preterm infants have improved weight gain.
Research continues to show the enormous benefits of touch—which range from treating chronic diseases, neurological disorders, and injuries, to alleviating the tensions of modern lifestyles. Consequently, the medical community is actively embracing bodywork, and massage is becoming an integral part of hospice care and neonatal intensive care units. Many hospitals are also incorporating on-site massage practitioners and even spas to treat postsurgery or pain patients as part of the recovery process.

Increase the Benefits with Frequent Visits
Getting a massage can do you a world of good. And getting massage frequently can do even more. This is the beauty of bodywork. Taking part in this form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is truly an investment in your health. And remember: just because massage feels like a pampering treat doesn’t mean it is any less therapeutic. Consider massage appointments a necessary piece of your health and wellness plan, and work with your practitioner to establish a treatment schedule that best meets your needs.
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